Pr. C Maa’m Kindly Get Me Transferred- Enough of Nonsense Has Gone into!

Respected Maa’m,

It pains me to see you struggling with CPWD for getting things done. Things would have been different if the consultancy would have been awarded to NBCC. There were efforts on my personal level to not award the implementation work of Project to CPWD. I have been censured for these efforts and reasons for not awarding the job to NBCC has been tried to be validated owing to Pr. CC’s personal experiences with NBCC during his Bangalore Stint in connection of a project.

Another reason that was given to the CORE TEAM, Wadala Project is that consultancy fee of NBCC is 4% plus which CPWD will charge only 2% and that saving govt. revenue is more important.

Although, the team headed by me has respect for the opinions of Pr. CC but we have divergent view and team still rates NBCC far higher than CPWD and reasons are many to support our views.

First off, let me share the communication with Pr. CC on WhatsApp: (Please Click Check here) and then here are the detailed views of Core Team:

1. The core team of Enclave Cell headed by Supdt. M.Yadav has been always against roping in CPWD. Apart from dissenting at team level, at personal level too the supdt. has confronted authority (another Proof attached). The team has fought for changing the PPP model but retaining NBCC for project execution.

2. There are no office records of the reasons why NBCC was driven away and to make way for CPWD.

3. Overall perception about CPWD is extremely poor. Annex building is only 20 year old, made by CPWD and has been declared dangerous for inhabiting by IIT, Bombay audit report.

4. Annex building too, was made through private contractor (roped in by way of competitive bidding by CPWD). So, competitive bidding alone, through CPWD makes no difference as on date too. On the contrary the Pr. CC insists that builders brought in through competitive bidding for Wadala Project will surely deliver to the expectations.

5. While the delivery of CPWD has not improved in years, the NBCC has risen to a level of Blue-chip Navratna PSU, beating as many as 250 odd PSUs. In NCR all the fund starved residential constructions have been handed over to NBCC by Hon’ble Supreme Court. and not to CPWD. The credibility is the only factor.

6. While CPWD is struggling to make mediocre constructions in the Country itself, the NBCC has been undertaking overseas projects since 1977 that includes projects in Dubai, UAE, Maldives, Yemen Libiya, etc.

7. Both are Public Works Departments and enjoy equal status as Public Works Departments under MoHUA but CPWD roots back to Dalhousie regime while NBCC has made it all since 1960.

8. NITI aayog and PMO is very very critical of CPWD, you may refer N number of reports.

9. GST’s Kharghar project is being executed by NBCC instead CPWD.

10. CPWD would never sign a contract for guaranteed delivery, but NBCC does it invariably with every project. Blame game is only destiny with CPWD. If we go with CPWD without any such tool of enforcing responsibility we are destined for a blame game too.

11. CPWD can never complete a project within a time frame. There are many reasons behind. Their functioning is highly archaic and bureaucratic which impacts decision making at different levels of hierarchy.

12. There are all chances of Time & Cost overrun which will go against the terms of approval of NITI aayog. Huge loss to exchequer too, on account of possible cost overrun.

13. Transfer posting is pretty frequent in CPWD that goes against consistent delivery in a project undertaken by them. We are sure the Engineer who gave P.E. for wadala project is no longer available for this crucial stage. And the current Project engineer too will be transferred somewhere else very shortly.

14. The project will take at least 4 year time so, we need a dedicated team for consistent delivery on construction, quality and design year on year this is almost impossible with CPWD.

15. CPWD has never made a building in the history of India, of heights more than 20 floors. How will they even monitor constructions of buildings of 35 floors , part of this project?

Maa’m, I am sure, you must have started experiencing inefficiency of CPWD by now, when they are running around to make a standard tender document. Gaurav is an emotionally balanced officer and he will be supporting you in dealing with CPWD but I feel my voice though for larger good, has been suppressed and I find it really difficult to support you in dealing with CPWD. The things are not going in our way and sooner or later the mistake of bye passing our views will be realized. Under the circumstances, I may please be transferred to some other section instead retaining in CEC, please.

Important Check on Wadala Project: